Saturday, April 28, 2007


So you think you know how to breath. You probably don't think about it at all, right. Yet breathing, or rather controlled breathing can be the most valuable tool you have to feeling centered, grounded, and stress-free.

Controlled breathing? Breathe slowly in through your nose, and hold, exhale out your mouth as if you were blowing out a candle, and hold. Repeat. Sounds easy, and yet that alone will be helpful in creating a feeling of peace and relaxation for you. (hold each time for the count of 1 or 2)

Much of the time we go through our day unaware of simple things like breathing and eating. Sometimes we do even more complex activities like driving to work without being aware of what we're doing. It's like we are on auto pilot. Bringing more awareness into your life will help you to not only feel more relaxed but also more present.

As this becomes easier, you can add diaphragmatic breathing to your repertoire. Next time you have a moment to relax, start by first observing where you breathe from when you breathe in. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly, just below your bellybutton. If the hand on your belly moves out as you breathe in, good for you. If the hand on your chest moves out as you breathe in, you may want to continue reading.

If you watch little children they naturally breathe with their bellies. With their bellies pouched out they move out as they breathe in, and in as they breathe out. This action utilizes the muscle in our torso called the diaphragm.

Breathing like this will help you in a number of ways;
  1. It will help you to relax by stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system.
  2. It will help you to feel more "grounded".
Often we tend to hold more energy in the upper part of our bodies, either because we don't want to feel certain emotions or we have a disconnect with our bodies. Many of us live stressful lives and excessive worry keeps us in our heads. Many of us have grown to distrust our bodies and the feelings and emotions they/we have, thinking that they may fail or overwhelm us at any time. These ways of being prevent the proper flow of energy through our bodies which affects how we feel on every level. Controlled breathing with awareness can help us to feel and live healthier lives.

The best way to learn to breathe with our diaphragm, or belly breathe, is to lay down on our backs with our knees up. You can do a simple exercise I call Body Awareness to scan your body, which will help you to get in touch with areas you may be holding tension/energy. I call these Holding Patterns. It's my experience that as you bring awareness to areas of tension they change or start to let go. To put it simply, it gives them room to move. (See Blog on Body Awareness) This will help you to relax.

When relaxed it's easier to belly breathe. Again belly breathing happens when our bellies move out as we breathe in, and in as we breathe out.

If you still find it difficult to accomplish this, try placing a book on your stomach and pushing it out as you breath in.

Finally remind yourself to take breaks throughout the day to help yourself use controlled breathing with awareness.

It is sometimes helpful to work with a professional such as a Coach or Counselor as you learn such techniques in a safe environment. When you begin to open yourself up to more energy and feelings of well-being, old patterns and emotions may surface.