“Thoughts thunk often become beliefs.” Byron Katie, the author of Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life.
She came up with a simple exercise to question your thoughts and to better understand how your thoughts create the feelings and behaviors you experience.
If I have the thought, “I shouldn’t be myself”, that leads to “I should be perfect so that others accept me.” When I ask myself how do I feel when I have these thoughts, the answer is, scared and vulnerable. I may have other sensations that arise as well, such as tension in my shoulders and neck, as well as tightness in my stomach. The important thing is that I acknowledge these feelings and sensations, which gives me permission to feel them.
She then has us ask the question, who would you be without these thoughts or stories? Imagine your own life for a moment, and the stories you have come to believe about yourself, others, and the world. Finally she has us make a statement that is closer to reality, such as, "I'm OK just as I am. I have a lot of good qualities, and others I am able to change."
To learn more check out her book…=)
Thoughts and more importantly old beliefs are coping mechanisms we created years ago in many cases. We did so because it was the only way we knew how to deal with a difficult situation. We all do this whether the issues were trivial or traumatic.
Only we have the power to step off this old worn path and say “NO”. No I will not do this to myself anymore. First we need to acknowledge where we are at, and take full responsibility. We take responsibility not for what happened in the past, but for our thoughts.
Only then can the process of healing begin. There are many things we can do for ourselves; Meditation, Yoga, exercise, eating well, but sometimes we need guidance, encouragement, and support from an Instructor, Counselor, Nutritionist, Coach, Minister, Chiropractor, Massage Therapist, friend, etc.
Be well.