Chronic pain is a disabling condition that affects every aspect of ones life and well-being. It can have a negative effect on almost every aspect of the body, as well as effecting the cognitive and emotional functioning of the individual. It has such a profound effect on the individual that it also affects the people in ones life adversely, ones career and extra curricular activities
Prolonged pain affects the sympathetic nervous system causing a detrimental effect on the body. It achieves this physiological response through the endocrine system and an increase in the hormone production of ACTH, catecholamines, ADH, angiotensin, and glucagon, which adversely affect various body systems. These systems respond to the stress of unresolved pain by increasing the heart rate and blood pressure, increasing the demand for oxygen consumption, impairing the GI function, causing respiratory dysfunction and further complications, causing sodium and water retention, causing muscle spasms/impaired muscle function and muscle fatigue, and also a depression of the immune system.
Unresolved pain can also result in an individual experiencing distressing cognitive impairment as well as increasing anxiety levels. These changes can further interfere with activities of daily living such as diet, exercise, work, leisure and sleep patterns.
Chronic pain requires a multidisciplinary approach for effective treatment. Counseling can provide education in cognitive and behavioral strategies found to be effective in the management of chronic pain. Also relaxation training lowers the response level, reduces symptoms and minimizes the physical impact of stress caused by chronic pain.
I have been in the health field for over 15 years. In my Counseling I provide an eclectic approach that includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Person Centered Therapy and Relaxation Techniques. I help clients see how their cognitions and behaviors affect their pain and its degree. I help them to uncover unresolved issues / traumas that may be exacerbating the problem, and create new, healthier thoughts and behaviors. I use Relaxation Techniques such as progressive relaxation and visualizations to assist in this process by forcing the client to directly face their problems and pain, thus learning to release any resistance they may have related to their situation. It is my experience that when confronted with pain most people don’t want to experience it, creating resistance that leads to more resistance and an increase in symptoms.
What are the benefits to this kind of exploration and treatment? People can expect a greater sense of peace, ease, and joy. Also many people experience an increased sense of well-being and empowerment, thus improving their relationships, and their lives.
What about tools that you can use for yourself? Yoga and meditation is a great start. And it doesn't matter what kind of meditation. What matters is that it's the right kind for you; whether that means a walking meditation, or a quiet sitting meditation, or a guided meditation. Meditation is a great tool for teaching us to be conscious / aware of the present moment in an open and non resistant state of non-judgment. Give it a try, and be well.
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