Friday, December 6, 2013

I love YOU, I love ME, part 1

It's a challenge for all of us at times to be around others and still be true to ourselves.  This can be in personal relationships, with family, and definitely at work.

How do you stay true to yourself around others?

How do you not?

What does all this mean?  To me, it's simply about accepting ourselves, being true to ourselves...period.

Try taking a little quiet time, to let yourself relax and breathe.  Focus your mind on your belly and breath, a happy image, or a place you love in let yourself breath, breathing in and breathing out...breathing in and breathing out...relax...let whatever sensations and feelings you may be having to just be try the words, "I am loveable"..."I am worthy of love"..."I love myself".

Blessings to you.

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