Thursday, February 6, 2014

I Love You, I Love Me Part II

It's a challenge for all of us at times to be around others and still be true to ourselves. This can be in personal relationships, with family, and definitely at work.

How do you stay true to yourself around others?

How do you not?

What does all this mean? To me, it's simply about accepting ourselves, being true to ourselves...period.

If you are like most people you have times that people bring up certain issues for you. I call these triggers or buttons. How do you deal with these opportunities?

Wait, what opportunities? 

Yes, the opportunity to do something different, to respond differently, since we know we can't control others. The opportunity to process the response/reaction we had to the individual. The opportunity to explore our thoughts.

Every day we have thoughts that surface to any given situation or encounter. Those thoughts are often connected with feelings. We often accept these thoughts/feelings as truth without even exploring or questioning them. It's as if we are brainwashed.

I think of questioning our thoughts like pulling apart a tangle of yarn. Gently we begin pulling on each thread until they start to become untangled and less restricted. This is how we can feel when when we are clearer about what is true, and what is not true. 

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