Sunday, November 21, 2010

I Want it This Way

Which way?
The way that I'm used to.  I want to do things the way I always have, and yet I know they're not working.
Sound familiar?  We all do it.  Why? Because change doesn't come easy.  Not for most of us anyway.  The longer we've been walking the same old worn path, the deeper the rut, and the harder it will be to get used to another.
Let me be clear here.  The path I'm talking about can be an old mental pattern or way of thinking.  It can also be a way of behaving.  Finally it can consist of more subtle muscular patterns such as tension in your shoulders, or your lower back, or a knot in your get the picture.
I have been meditating for years, and after considerable upheaval and chronic health problems that lasted for years consider myself quite healthy.  Yet even today when "stressed", old patterns surface; anger, tension, judgment, towards myself, fear, thoughts such as "I can't deal with this...", etc.
When I can sit with these various energies I am able to locate where they are in my body.  By noticing them I give them permission to be without resistance (which is what creates the problem).  In a way I am being loving to myself as one would be to a child.  This very act of BEING PRESENT starts to unravel the layer of pain I have created.
More on this in further Blogs which will answer questions such as...
  1. What is BEING?
  2. How do I be present?
  3. How do I go inside my body?

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